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Fang Junbi 方君璧

Hailing from a large and wealthy Fuzhou family, and a younger sister to two anti-Qing revolutionaries, Fang Junbi traveled to Europe at the tender age of fourteen. While she spent most of the next eighteen years of her life there, Fang attended the Académie Julian in Paris, the École des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, and the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris; exhibited with the Salon de la Société des Artistes Français and the Salon de Tuileries; and met and married her husband, Zeng Zhongming 曾仲鳴 (1896-1939).

Even before her return to China in 1930, Fang began establishing her professional reputation there with several biographic profiles and artwork reproductions in the Republican periodical press. Despite giving birth to three sons in quick succession in the early 1930s, she maintained an active career as an artist; popular pictorials regularly featured her artworks and she commercially published albums of her paintings in 1932 and 1938. In 1939, Fang was gravely injured, and her husband killed, in a botched assassination attempt on Wang Jingwei 汪精衛 (1883-1944), a close family friend and her husband’s employer. Following her husband’s death, Fang reenergized her career and staged multiple art exhibitions in China and in Japan for charitable causes and in support of Wang Jingwei’s Reorganized National Government of China, a puppet state of the Japanese occupation. After the Chinese Communist Party’s takeover in 1949, Fang fled overseas with her sons, thereafter, traveling widely and staging painting exhibitions in Europe, Asia, and the United States.

Further Reading:


A Retrospective Exhibition of the Works of Fan Tchun-pi. Hong Kong: Department of Fine Arts of the University of Hong Kong, 1978. 

Dunand, Frank, ed. The Pavilion of Marital Harmony: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Between Tradition and Modernity. Genève: Collections Baur, 2002. 

Taylor, Michael R., and Xinyue Guo. Between Tradition and Modernity: The Art of Fan Tchunpi. Dartmouth, NH: Hood Museum of Art, 2013. https://hoodmuseum. and-modernity. 

Wangwright, Amanda. The Golden Key: Modern Women Artists and Gender Negotiations in Republican China (1911-1949). Leiden: Brill, 2021.

悼高奇峰先生 Dao Gao Qifeng xiansheng

Author Unknown

方君璧女士之傑作 Fang Junbi nüshi zhi jiezuo

Author Unknown

Placeholder Image

方君璧女士及其作品 Fang Junbi nüshi ji qi zuopin

Author Unknown

方君璧女士為文學家曾仲鳴之夫人 Fang Junbi nüshi wei wenxuejia Ceng Zhongming zhifuren

Author Unknown

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方君璧女士畫‘彈琴女’ Fang Junbi nüshi hua 'tanqin nü'

王婉蘭 Wang Wanlan

方君璧女士畫展一瞥:仲鳴像 Fang Junbi nüshi huazhan yipie: Zhongming xiang

羽中 Yu Zhong

方君璧女士畫集 Fang Junbi nüshi huaji

静子 Jingzi

方君璧女士訪問記 Fang Junbi nüshi fangwen ji

雲端 Yun Duan

方君璧女士近作亞納絲湖風景四幅 Fang Junbi nüshi jinzuo Yanasi hu fengjing si fu

Author Unknown

方君璧女士速寫畫 Fang Junbi nüshi suxiehua

Author Unknown

方君璧精繪事善烹飪 Fang Junbi jing huishi shan pengren

Author Unknown

春色:畏向蒼苔讀舊碑(陳元孝詩) Chunse: Wei xiang cangtai du jiubei (Chen Yuanxiao shi)

Author Unknown

曾方君璧夫人之佳作 Zeng Fang Junbi furen zhi jiazuo

Author Unknown

東京通訊:方君璧東京畫展參觀記 Dongjing tongxun: Fang Junbi Dongjing huazhan canguan ji

Author Unknown

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畫家方君璧女士 Huajia Fang Junbi nüshi

春台 Chun Tai

肖像:方君璧女士 Xiaoxiang: Fang Junbi nüshi

Author Unknown

苔岑詩壇:方君璧妹以畫羊直幅見貽題句其上 Taicen shitan: Fang Junbi mei yi hua yang zhifu jian yi ti ju qishang

汪兆铭 Wang Zhaoming

讀書(方君璧女士繪於巴黎) Dushu (Fang Junbi nüshi hui yu Bali)

Author Unknown

赴潯舟次:曾仲鳴先生方君璧女士 Fu xun zhou ci: Zeng Zhongming xiansheng Fang Junbi nüshi

靜子(攝) Jingzi

陳璧君/方君璧、汪精衞左右逢源 Chen Bijun/Fang Junbi, Wang Jingwei zuoyou fengyuan

老草命 Lao Caoming

題方君璧畫羊直幅 Ti Fang Junbi hua yang zhifu

Author Unknown

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