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Guan Zilan 關紫蘭

Famed for her beauty as well as her talent, Guan Zilan’s photographs graced the covers and pages of many magazines and newspapers throughout the late 1920s and early 1930s. These images were often the product of portrait photographers, in particular the Wou Kong Photography Studio (Hujiang Sheying Lou滬江攝影樓), which supplied publicity shots for most Shanghai movie stars and socialites of the day. A high-profile socialite herself, Guan came from a Shanghai family enriched by the booming modern textile trade. Her family’s wealth afforded her a college education at the newly opened Chinese University of the Arts (Zhonghua Yishu Daxue 中華藝術大學), where she studied under Chen Baoyi 陳抱一 (1893–1945), Hong Ye 洪野 (1886–1932), and Ding Yanyong 丁衍鏞 (1902–1978). After graduating with honors in 1927, she was encouraged by her teachers to study abroad in Japan, first with Kametaka Fumiko, president of the Sekiso-sha Girls’ School for Painting in Kobe, and later at the Tokyo Academy of Culture (Nihon Tōkyō Bunka Gaku-in). In addition to holding a solo exhibition shortly after her arrival in Japan, Guan also exhibited in several prestigious exhibitions, including the Nikakai Art Exhibition, the Ueno Fine Art Exhibition, and the Hyogo Prefectural Art Exhibition in Kobe.

In 1938, at the age of thirty-five, Guan Zilan resettled in Shanghai and started a family. Though she continued to paint, and held at least one exhibition in 1941, she never again attained the level of fame she had experienced at the beginning of her career. In the early 1960s, Guan participated in assorted painting associations, including the Shanghaishi Wenshi Yanjiuguan, the Zhongguo Meishujia Xiehui, and the Shanghai Meishujia Xiehui. At the start of the Cultural Revolution, however, she secreted her artworks away and gave up painting entirely. 

Further Reading:

CANS Yishu Xinwen Bianji Tuandui CANS 藝術新聞編輯 團隊 [CANS Art News Editorial Team], ed. Guan Zilan (1903–1985) 關紫蘭 (1903~1985). Taipei: Huayi Wenhua, 2012.

Shanghai Wenguang Xinwen Chuanmei Jituan 上海文广新闻传媒集团 [Shanghai Media Group] et al. Minghua mingjia mi’an 名画名家谜案 [Mysteries of Famous Paintings and Famous Artists]. Vol. 4, “Faxian” Guan Zilan 发现关紫兰 [‘Discovering’ Guan Zilan]. Beijing: Zhongguo Guoji Dianshi Zonggongsi, 2009. 

Wangwright, Amanda. The Golden Key: Modern Women Artists and Gender Negotiations in Republican China (1911-1949). Leiden: Brill, 2021.

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Miss Kuan Chi-lan in Japan

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Miss Kuan Chi-lan, a Chinese painter, tendered a reception Japanese painters

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Miss Kuan Tzu-lan is noted for painting

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Miss Kwan Tsi-lan, whose works recently exhibited in Japan

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Rowing in a lake near Kobe

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Some Masterworks of Miss C. L. Kuan

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中華藝術大學美術展覽會之一部分作品及作者 Zhonghua yishu daxue meishu zhanlanhui zhi yibufen zuopin ji zuozhe

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名畫家關紫蘭女士 Minghuajia Guan Zilan nüshi

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女畫家關紫蘭 Nühuajia Guan Zilan

溫肇桐 Wen Zhaotong

本刊本期封面作者 Benkan benqi fengmian zuojia

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油畫創作 Youhua chuangzuo

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畫家關紫蘭女士 Huajia Guan Zilan nüshi

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美術界 Meishu jie

周今 Zhou Jin

著名畫家 Zhuming huajia

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輕妝就試 Qing zhuang jiu shi

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關紫蘭個展的觀感 Guan Zilan gezhan de guangan

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關紫蘭女士 Guan Zilan nüshi

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關紫蘭女士 Guan Zilan nüshi

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關紫蘭女士 Guan Zilan nüshi

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關紫蘭女士和她的畫 Guan Zilan nüshi he tade hua

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關紫蘭女士在 日展覽作品 Guan Zilan nüshi zai Riben zhanlan zuopin

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關紫蘭女士擅丹青頗負盛名 Guan Zilan nüshi shan danqing po fu shengming

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關紫蘭女士與其近作 Guan Zilan nüshi yu qi jinzuo

Author Unknown

關紫蘭女畫家及其畫室 Guan Zilan nühuajia ji qi huashi

Author Unknown

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